Monday, September 3, 2007

FMLA Forms

The best FMLA forms are the ones provided by the APWU. Here is a link to their FMLA Forms. Forms Numbers 2 and 3 are the most common ones to use. Form 2 is for the employee's own serious health problem. For 3 is for the employee's family member.
When an employee comes to me and wants information about FMLA and Certification, I print out 3 copies of the form. Then I take one copy and fill it out for the employee. I'm careful to write down in the margins that this form is just an example or a sample but not a diagnosis. this way if management ever gets their hands on it, then I'm not in trouble for practicing medicine without a licence.
I'll give you an example of how I fill out form number 2 using Migraine Headaches as the condition. The first line is the employee's name, that's easy. The second line, the doctor checks the number of the condition. Those numbers are explained on the second page of Form 2. For Migraine Headaches, the doctor would check next to the number 4.
The next line gives doctors the most trouble. They cannot figure out how to explain why the condition is number 4 without giving a diagnosis. This is what they should put down for a Migraine. "Periodic severe headaches that Incapacitates the employee." Remember, FMLA Coordinators are idiots and everything must be explained in small words. Also, the Key Word in the description is "Incapacitates". Make sure that word is used.
Date commenced.....When the doctor diagnosed the problem
Probable Duration....Migraines are a Life long problem
Present Duration.....Only filled out if you are out sick that day.
The next box: Will the employee be out intermittently? "Yes" Probable time? "One to three days per episode", or however long you will really need.
Next Box: If the condition is chronic (Migraines are) then the frequency? One or Two episodes per month / Quarter / Year. Whatever applies, but be sure to give yourself one more out than you really need. If you go over the number of times the doctor spells out in the FMLA Certification, then management will make you resubmit your FMLA Certification.
Next Box: Treatments? Medicine and Bed Rest when condition flairs up.
Next Box: Is the employee able to do his/her job? "YES!" Make sure you say "yes" on this or the ELM's rules will take effect and you will have to get doctor certification to return to work after every absence.
Lastly the doctor MUST sign, date and give his address and phone number.
This is VERY Important: Why did I print out 3 copies of this? One copy I filled out, the other two are for the doctor. IF he/she messes up on one of the FMLA forms, DO NOT use White-Out or scratch the mistake out. Start over! Management will say that the employee changed the form and send you back to the doctor's office. IF your doctor's office does everything on a computer now, including fill out these forms, then when he/she prints out the form, make sure they sign the printed copy.
Form Number 3 is very similar to Form number 2 except for one major addition."Does the patient require assistance for basic medical, hygiene, nutritional needs, safety, or transportation?_______ If no, would the employee's presence to provide psychological comfort be beneficial to the patient's recovery?____ Note the probable duration of the need."This means that you can be off to take your mother to her doctor's visit if she has a medical condition that does not allow her to drive. You can even go to feed her or hold her hand when she is having a bad day because of advanced Alzheimer's or something like that.

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